Ten good things I would like to share with Leaders of Enterprises

Ten good things I would like to share with Leaders of Enterprises

Any changes include the high energy of opportunities at that time but can explore the Enterprises which do not prepare in advance.

– The enterprise becomes the creative environment and has the ability to implement at the speed of thinking and at the level of manufacturing at least one product with profit.

– The capability of the growth is the breakthrough of the system with the hindrance of the environment and is strong enough to maintain until it can reach higher most safely, most effectively, and automatically.

– The universal thinking for the future vision is varied in terms of the destinations, is clearly imaginable, and is faced with the whole Domino calculation of the risks

– As for great Math, the leaders in the role of the General Directors of construction sites set targets as well as approaches for smaller Math and organize to focus on solving it.

– The leaders take over the role of reducing their enterprises’ relying on Resources on site, Risks, Fluctuations of the environment, the Individual Factor, and the other Powers. Also, under their control, their enterprises can well satisfy the customers’ needs.

– It should be remembered that the social source is more crucial than Money; in other words, it can make Money with the lowest cost. Moreover, Knowledge is vital for the use of the social source.

– If the leaders do not thoroughly grasp 5 Laws of the Market and its mutual interaction, they can not find out the business trend and can just follow it too late.

– Under any circumstances, the leaders should not cut off Three Whirling Flows including Flow of Finance, Flow of Value, and Flow of PR. The respectively nuclear factors of each Flow include Liquidity, Core, and Base.

– If the entrepreneurs are thriving to seize power, they themselves will become moths. In other words, their business is just like a fire-fly.

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