Prosperity Thinking Also, I would like to introduce to all readers a very interesting book attached in the thereafter file and compiled so that you can experience and test yourselves. Please read as follows: Reference: 9 Habits of millionaires The millionaire..
Living In Time
Living In Time
Characters of Nations A ship accommodating passengers of various peoples was being sunk because it was too heavy. As a result, there was at least one person jumping out of the ship to deal with the general situation. The Japanese brandishing..
The Oath of Hippocrates Hippocrates (470 – 460 B.C), became the greatest Greek doctor in his time, and his Commandments have become the professional ethical standards of all Doctors Worldwide as well as the Oath of this noble career. Then..
Contemporary Night WORKING CULTURALLY AND LIVING MEANINGFULLY Your Excellencies; Distinguished Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen! In addition to the mission of providing the training and consulting programs aimed at the community of entrepreneurs and enterprises, PTI highly appreciates the principle of..