Thinking of Characters and Destiny of Dog DOG FEELS SORRY FOR ITS DESTINY, AND LIFE IS FULL OF COMPLICATED THINGS The first story: The dog is more loyal than its owner My friend has a very fierce dog. Each time..
Living In Time
Living In Time
PR: From Life to Mind Spirit I would want to use the special No.13 for discussing PR briefly as a message from the author to all of readers about the extensive meaning of PR. Then the consecutive development of the..
Dialogue between Subconsciousness and Superconsciousness In order to follow the dialogue, let’s imagine as follows Human is compared to a Glass Case: The space location the Glass Case put in is Consciousness – The external world is Unconsciousness – The ability to understand the..
Returning Good means Dissatisfaction??? In every election of an organization, being unable to reach higher position, some people often say “I do not need that position, so anyone can be chosen as the leader” and easily vote the suggested person...
Contemporary Night Your Excellencies; Distinguished Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen! In addition to the mission of providing the training and consulting programs aimed at the community of entrepreneurs and enterprises, PTI highly appreciates the principle of “working culturally and living meaningfully”...
The Journey of Starting Life Again In a city, the citizens lived in disorder with spreading social evils, deastating nature, and so on. Besides, plants were poisoned, and animals became crazy. It was the consequences of the God’s belief that..
Critical Thinking on Life YOU ARE THE WATER DROP FLOWING INTO LIFE STREAM CONSIDERED AS A MOMENT In the transition between the old year and New Year, I myself went for a walk alongside Da River. Da River is typical..
Philosophy of Life Philosophy, the vivid things drawn from experiences, is defined as fundamental and key concept based on what is expressed briefly and concisely, including the state of mind, the spirit value, and the power of behaviors. In other..
Overcoming Difficulties OVERCOMING DIFFICULTIES The things I have discussed often include implications, and one of these situations is considered as “a necessity” to overcome. Thus, each lesson is drawn from attitudes to these “necessities”. Survival is the most important thing for a person..
Abraham Lincoln’s Letter to His Son’s Teacher My son will have to learn I know, that all men are not just, al men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for..